Mushrooms & Toadstools of Britain & Europe vol.2 part 1 (2020)-Geoffrey Kibby
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A unique guide with paintings of 750 species, many, illustrated for the firs time, including drawings of diagnostic features. This volume features part 1 of the agarics or gilled mushrooms.
Contents: Schizophyllineae, Hygrophorineae (Schyzophyllaceae), Hygrophorineae (Clavariaceae, Hygrophoraceae),Tricholomatineae (Fayodiaceae, Clitocybaceae, Pseudoclitocybaceae, Lyophyllaceae), Marasmiineae (Omphalotaceae, Marasmiaceae, Physalacryaceae, Porotheleacae, Cyphellaceae, Mycenaceae), Pleurotineae (Pleurotaceae, Typhulaceae), Pluteineae (Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae), Agaricineae (Hydnanglaceae, Cystodrmtaceae, Agaricaceae)
2020, hardback, 196 pages, English language, 24×16,5 cm, ISBN-978-0-9572094-4-2