• Not edible

Thelephora cuticularis Berk. 1847


Very rare fungus that grows at the base of trees on mossy bark or on fallen twigs.

Macroscopic and microscopic features

Fruitbodies: sessile, effuso-reflexed, pillei up to 2.5 cm in radius, small, radially rugose, flabelliform or reniform, silky fibrillose, zoned or azonate, black when wet, cinnamon bronw to pinkish when dry, tomentose near to the margin. Flesh thin, soft, often with unpleasant smell when drying, can soak water.

Microskopy: spores 8,5-13 x 7-10 µm (8-9 x 6-7µm (Burt), 7,5-11 x 7,5-9 µm (Coker), 9-12,5 x 7-8,5(-10) µm (Corner)), oval to almost rounded, distinctly echinulate, spines up to 2 µm high, clamps missing.

Thelephora cuticularis
Tomáš Chaluš
If you are interested in purchasing photos, please contact us (ID: 3512)

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