Rare fungi of the Tabor region (2020)- P. Špinar
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A5 format, 232 pages, hard cover, 222 color photos, 200 species of fungi, 1st edition 2020, language Czech.
Mycologist Pavel Špinar, a member of the Czech Scientific Society for Mycology, has been the administrator of the National Natural Monument Luční near the town of Sezimovo Ústí (South Bohemia) since 1988, the first Czechoslovak protected area declared for the protection of fungi. For 35 years he has been systematically engaged in mycological research in the Tábor region. In his book, he selected 200 of the rarest species of fungi that grow in the Tábor region. He supplemented their descriptions with his own photographs.
ISBN 978-80-86659-65-7