The Bees of Norfolk
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Warranty (months) 24
Availability 1 month
This book is the first to cover all of Norfolk's 197 bee species, including bumblebees, honeybees and solitary bees.
With 178 distribution maps and over 500 colour photographs, each species is described and has notes on flight period, habitat, flowers visited, nesting and parasites. It includes up-to-date information on bees which have been lost and new bees coming in to the county.
Accompanying chapters cover Norfolk's bee recorders, the state of Norfolk's bee populations, Norfolk bee habitats and their historical origins, conservation, nesting and life cycle, parasites and predators, bees and flowers, identifying bees, photographing bees and attracting bees to your garden.
This book will appeal to those unfamiliar with bees as well as those with more specialist knowledge.
ISBN: 978-1-874357-78-0
Size:240 x 170
Full colour 400+ photos
Author: Nick Owens