Micro and Macro fungi (2019)-Bajivali Shaik
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Studies on Micro and Macro Fungi of Mahadevpoor forest is an outcome of a visit to forest region near about the confluence of the Godavari and Pranahitha Rivers. This forest area is a source of National Wealth, where from coal and teak wood are supplied to Andhra Pradesh and other states of India. The area is quite rich in flora and fauna with which the author has been associated since his school days. Earlier attempts were made by Vasant Rao (1972) and Reddy (1983) to collect fungi from forest regions in the South Indian States (Andhra, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Maharashtra) and Orissa. The results were encouraging. However, their work included interesting an- a- morphs (Hyphomycetes) only. The earlier attempts were collecting teleomorphs were either meager or were not thought significant perhaps due to the absence of the literature and consultation services. The teleomorphs therefore did not receive much attention in their work.