Fungi Europaei 3 Tricholoma (Fr.) St. (2003)-A.Riva
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Fungi Europaei Tricholoma
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This work is the combination of two volumes, the principal one published in 1988 and its updated version published in 2003. The first volume of 620 pages is in four parts: in the first part the Author presents 141 species of the Tricholoma-Armillaria ss. Fries family with reference to Fries' works; the second part includes 11 genera which are separated in time from genera Tricholoma s.l.; the third part contains the taxonomy, keys and the description of the species; in the final part the species are illustrated with the water colours of A. Dermek and E. Rebaudengo.
The second volume was published in 2003, 15 years after the first and contains 204 pages. In this supplement edition there are the species identified after 1988, the iconography of all the species in photographic form and some colour plates by J.P. Beati.
2003, ISBN 88-901057-1-2, 620 + 204 pp. (824 pp.), hardback, 245 mm x 180 mm, 90 photographies, several micographies, 96 colour plates made by A. Dermek, E. Rebaudengo and J.P. Beati, italian text and italian and english keys.