M.Carbone-E.Campo-G.Boerio-F.Calledda-Funghi rari, critici o interessanti dalla Finlandia
Kč575.00 included CZ VAT
Kč575.00 without VAT
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25 |
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Warranty (months) 24
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The authors describe 27 interesting species collected during their trip in Finland. Hypocrea nybergiana, Gyromitra ambigua, Helvella hyperborea, H. palustris, Otidea tuomikoskii, O. formicarum, O. caligata, Peziza alcis, Russula taigarum, R. renidens, R. aurantioflammans, R. vinososordida, R. olivina, Lactarius flavopalustris, L. auriolla, L. olivinus, L. aquizonatus, Hygrophorus inocybiformis, H. korhonenii, H. secretanii, Infundibulicybe gigas, Tricholoma olivaceotinctum, Cantharellopsis prescotii, Tubaria confragosa, Cortinarius rusticus, C. pinophilus and C. balteatoalbus var. areni-silvae. Photocolors and microdrawings are added.