Danmarks Svampeatlas (2009-2013)-Thomas Læssøe, Heilmann-Clausen,Jacob, Jens H. Petersen, T.G. Froslev
Kč1,275.00 included CZ VAT
Kč1,275.00 without VAT
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Warranty (months) 24
Availability 1 month
This book is about the Danish Fungal Atlas - a large-scale citizen science project, which involved hundreds of active fungal collectors in the period 2009-2013. The book provides distribution patterns, host selection, ecology and phenology for some of the over 3000 species of Basidiomycetes. It provides a new mycological classification of Denmark's nature and finally, optimal strategies for fungal-friendly nature management are provided. The book is in Danish, but all distribution maps has English text, and an 11 page summary in English is given in the end.
The authors are Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Tobias Guldberg Froeslev, Thomas Læssoee and Jens H. Petersen. All wellknown Danish mycologists.
The book has hard cover and a lot of colour pictures. The number of pages is 350 and the weight is 2080 g