British fungus flora: Agarics and Boleti 7-Roy Watling & Norma M. Gregory
Kč460.00 included CZ VAT
Kč460.00 without VAT
Volume 7: Cortinariaceae p.p. Galerina, Gymnophilus, Leucocortinarius, Phaeocollybia, Phaeogalera, Phaeolepiota, Phaeomarasmius, Pleuroflammula, Rozitea & Stagnicola
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Warranty (months) 24
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This series of books about the larger fungi of the British Isles is suitable for the dedicated amateur and the professional.
Each volume provides keys to sections and species together with full descriptions of the taxa based on personal observations of the executive editors or, in the case of rare species, on authoritative descriptions of material. Many species are illustrated by line drawings. Colours are described using the accompanying Colour Identification Chart.