Flammulina ononidis Arnolds 1977
Collybia velutipes subsp. pratensis (Schief.) Schief. (1963)
Flammulina velutipes var. pratensis Schief. (1949)
Grows rarely on hardwoods all over the year.
Macroscopic and microscopic features
Cap: 20-60 mm in average, smooth, sticky, whitish to light yellowish.
Lupeny: white, whitish to light creamy.
Třeň: 20-120 mm long, up to 10 mm broad, cylindrical, rootish, velvet, at apex whitish, downwards yellowish - brown to blackish at the bottom.
Microscopy: spores 6-8 x 3-5 µm, elliipsoid, cheilocystids and pleurocystids 40-80 x 10-18 µm.
In our herbarium